Student Work
Shining a light on the progression of the shine on a light project
I felt like the idea of hoping people would find the leds on their own then trust them to take a picture with the the leds was a bit to optimistic on my end. So I decided to stick with the idea of giving LEDs but create a cute and cheap toy (glowies) using LEDs and styrofoam balls put them in a bin and go to where people walk past then have a stand where I have index cards and people have to write a compliment about themselves to receive a glowy. I shoot the whole thing on a time lapse of people writing stuff and receiving a glowy. Then take pictures of the compliments people wrote about themselves afterwards.
Public Space “shine a light” project
I will leave LED lights randomly all over NYC with a note that says to give the LED light to someone they love and take a picture of the person they gave it to holding the LED. They will email the picture to me (I’ll leave an email for them to send it to on the note) and I’ll post the picture on an instagram I will create.
My project will more like a fake info where i will use my rapper friend talent to help me interact with random females around the campus and work place. the main goal will be to offer them a chance to win $3000 for casting position for the new video “My friend supposedly to have coming” by so it will fallow series of questionnaires about their reason to opt in or out. the tool i will be planning to use will be video and audio interaction. The purpose of this project is to see at what point will someone get out of their comfortable zone and what will be the reasons, confidence or money,or neither move the person. This will be just for fun and a form of interaction and not based on valuable studies or statistics. May i remind that this project will be done only on a full verbal consent of the person with an authorization to video tape the conversation.
Art in Public Places
Our project is a wish/prayer tree. Since it is still very cold outside, I believe that the perfect location for this project would be indoors, in a public place. It would be nice to put our project inside the art building, shuster hall and/or another building at Lehman. A place where it is easy to see and people can interact with it. It is important for us that the project looks approachable and easy to interact with. It is also important to film and photograph in a public place where it is legal. We will make sure to keep those who wish to not participate off the video and images, so that we respect their space. The location is usually occupied by Lehman students, staff and visitors. I think both film and photography would be the best way to document people’s interactions with our project. We can capture their fresh interactions and photograph the details of the project for easy transitions and understanding of it.

Public Art Projects
While thinking where I can do my public art project sitting down in the cafeteria in the music building, I saw that students and professors came in and out of the cafeteria. Some of them seat down to eat, read a book, do homework and other waiting for another students or a person. While this happen dow to one of the entire of the cafeteria everyone stop to see the table, which there was an events. Some stop because whoever was in the table ask them, another stop because they saw them. So I was thinking putting up a paper and asking a question in the wall. but in this case I wouldn’t ask or tell any one about what was in that paper. I was thinking everyone go up to the paper and write, answer the question. So that why I choose the cafeteria. The question was “In one word, describe Lehman College as a whole” this place is very important for the experiment because we all meet here, when you walk in you just don’t see one group of students. We see from each department, also, students from the Lehman Hight school seating around. So with the project Im trying that everyone write something about Lehman college, but it would be self-independet, can this be accomplish Yes!! because when we see something new around a place we often walk by we look at it. Also, I think it be a good idea to see what everyone think about Lehman college, and MAYBE they would leave a comment about the dislike or like about the campus. So, how we can bring this to Social Media well by putting a tag and then that would not only be in one place but now we will have people outside describe Lehman. So I will record the moment talk some pictures.
Reading Response “The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces”
Those small places in the building are very good for the community and those that come to work at those building because everyone can socialize with each other. But those places work more in the city (Manhattan) then any other place just because people go to work, shop, walk, and do other actives then outside of Manhattan. thats one reason it work inside the city, then the bronx. but I seeing some areas that are being used as social places to gather in the street. Well in Fordham Rd that a small street that is close now and there chair and tables, where the people can sit, and have a lunch with a friend. Well over roll those plazas are great for everyone.
Darth Orange
Enclosed Urban Environments-Social Issues
Enclosed urban environments affected Manhattan more than the other four boroughs, and it still occurs today. How this intertwines with social change is beneficial, because it brings folks together from different walks of lives.
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